About Us
Our team is made up of some of the most experienced Tier IV OCDE Project GLAD® consultants and presenters on the west coast. Based on your location and the skills of our associates, your trainers will be the right fit for your district's needs.
Jody Bader
The Owner and President of ESL Consulting Services Inc. is Jody Bader. An educator with over 2 decades of experience working with English learners and low SES families, Ms. Bader is equipped with an M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction and is endorsed in K-8 education, ESL, early childhood education, secondary history, and is a certified Tier IV OCDE Project GLAD® consultant, awarded OCDE Project GLAD® outstanding trainer of the year in 2012. She has trained and coached thousands of teachers across the Northwest and abroad in the OCDE Project GLAD® model and other ESL education topics. Ms. Bader also participates in educational research. She coordinated the training team for the recently completed efficacy study of OCDE Project GLAD® conducted by Education Northwest, funded through IES.
Kate Lindholm
Kate Lindholm has been an educator for 22 years. She specializes in working with English Language Learners, higher level questioning/assessments, CCSS/NGSS/TPEP integration, science, and consulting/training teachers. As both a Tier IV Project GLAD® consultant and part of the WA state committee for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), she is on the cutting edge of helping teachers connect NGSS with CCSS, TPEP, and OCDE Project GLAD®. Kate currently trains and consults with Strategic Steps, WSTA, OCDE Project GLAD®, and Moses Lake School District (WA). She brings all these skills to ESL Consulting Services as she partners with Jody Bader for OCDE Project GLAD® trainings across WA state.

Heather Craggs
Heather Craggs has held a variety of positions in the Mukilteo School District (WA) for the past 24 years, focusing on early literacy, curriculum development through OCDE Project GLAD® units, and supporting struggling students in secondary classrooms. With a M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction, and years applying that at the kindergarten to secondary levels, Heather knows the realities and uniqueness of today’s classroom and how to make learning meaningful for all students, especially English language learners. For the past 3 years, Heather has taken her literacy experience to the high school level as an instructional specialist. Her focus is on helping struggling students with literacy skills to meet the increased graduation credit requirements and demands of new standards. Heather is thoroughly versed in CCSS and how to help teachers make those accessible to their students. Ms. Craggs currently consults through OCDE Project GLAD®, Oasis Consulting, Strategic Steps, and ESL Consulting Services. Highlighted as a literacy speaker at WORD State Conventions and the OCDE Project GLAD® National Conference, she is currently serving on City University’s PEAB Committee to support those new to our profession.
Kelley Chaplin - Secondary Specialist

Sara Martinez